Does this affect you?
Are you a manufacturer or distributor of electrical or electronic equipment? Do you handle more than 50 tonnes of packaging per year and have an annual turnover of £2m or more each year? Then read on as this does affect you.
What is the Consumer Information Obligation?
Under the Producer Responsibility (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2005 and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 (referred to as the WEEE Regulations) manufacturers and distributors have two key consumer obligations:-
a) To provide information to consumers about
- their role in recycling and recovery;
- the environmental impacts of hazardous substances in EEE and WEEE;
- the importance of separating WEEE from other waste streams;
- the meaning of the "crossed-out wheelie bin" symbol and other markings related to recycling; and
- where they can return, have collected or safely deposit packaging and WEEE for treatment and recycling free of charge.
b) To establish a take-back system that customers can use to dispose of waste free of charge. Companies can either
- establish an in-store take-back system and/or
- join a Distributor Take-Back Scheme (DTS).
Do you want an easy and straight-forward way to meet these obligations? Why not have a "white label" (a web link label) link to WasteConnect? This website fulfills the consumer information obligations in a single message.
The site can be simply linked through from your own website or the address can be added to packaging or marketing material.
For only £497.00 per year your obligations can be taken care of. You can be confident that this aspect of your company responsibility is secure. The information is maintained and kept up to date as an integral aspect of the contract.
For more information contact Zoe,